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comodo Comodo EV SSL Certificate

1 cert x 1 Year

per year
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Total: 3.95

Vendor Price

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Buy Multiple Years

$₱ 6,350.54
Site Seal Comodo EV SSL Certificate Site Seal

Note: Multi-Year Certificates must be regenerated after 1 year to meet the latest CA/B Forum security standards. It's a simple, free process. Read more

Green Bar

1-5 Days

Business Validated

SAN Support


Mobile Friendly

Inspire the ultimate trust in your customers with the Comodo EV SSL certificate

Are you ready to take your business website to the next level? The Comodo EV SSL provides top-of-the-line encryption along with extended business validation so that you can give your customers the ultimate confidence in who they're doing business with. The Comodo EV SSL certificate will unlock the green address bar, a trust indicator proven to increase conversions and inspire the ultimate trust in your customers. Plus, since the green address bar has been shown to increase conversions, this is one of the only SSL certificates that can provide a true ROI.

Featuring 256-bit encryption strength and a 2048-bit signature key, this certificate works on 99.9% of browsers and mobile devices—including all the most recent versions. Best of all it comes backed by a massive $1,750,000 warranty and a dynamic Comodo Trustmark with "Point-to-Verify" technology that authenticates your online identity and lets customers know that it's you and that you’re safe to buy from—it's valued at ₱ 6,350.54 just by itself. Act now and you can get the Comodo EV SSL – with all the bells and whistles – starting at just ₱ 6,350.54 per year.

Encryption Strength

Comodo EV SSL comes with encryption strengths up to 256-bit along with a 2048-bit signature key.

Peace of Mind

The Comodo EV SSL certificate comes backed by a gigantic $1,750,000 warranty and a 15-days money-back guarantee.

Fast and Easy Validation

The Comodo EV SSL certificate requires, as its name suggests, Extended Validation, a process where the Certificate Authority will verify that your business is a legitimate legal entity operating in good faith. This process moves quickly if you have all of your registration information up to date can usually be completed within 1-5 business days.

Browser Compatibility

The Comodo EV SSL Certificate is recognized by 99.9% of web and mobile browsers—so if they can reach your site on it, they’re protected on it.

Cheap Price

Act now and you can get a Comodo EV SSL starting at just ₱ 6,350.54 per year—that's 67% off the vendor price!

Please note: This product requires you to complete Telephone Verification. For new customers/orders after October 6th, 2016, Comodo requires either a Dun and Bradstreet, BBB.com listing, or a Legal Opinion Letter to complete telephone verification. Other third party telephone directories such as Yellowpages.com will not be accepted after this date. If you cannot complete these options, please contact support at [email protected] as we have other solutions that may be easier for you to complete.

Comodo EV SSL Certificate Features & Benefits

  • Full-Business Validation to prove you're legitimate
  • 2048-bit conventional EV SSL Certificate
  • Unlimited server licenses
  • Activates the Green Address Bar
  • Displays your company name & location as verified by Comodo
  • Dynamic Comodo Secure Site Seal
  • 99.9% Web & Mobile browser protection
  • 128/256-bit encryption length
  • 15-days money back guarantee
  • 24/7 Technical SSL Support
  • Cheapest price ever (₱ 6,350.54/year)
  • $1,750,000 relying party warranty

Comdo EV SSL Server and Client OS Compatibility

Client OS: Windows 7, Vista,XP, 200, Snow Leopard, Mac OS X, Linux Client OS.

Server OS: Novell, Windows Server 200 -2008, Linux, UNIX, Solaris and more

Web Servers: Cobalt, Microsoft IIS6 & 7, Apache, Tomcat, IBM HTTP, Weblogic

E-Mail Servers: Microsoft Entourage (OS/X), Microsoft Outlook 99+, Qualcomm Eudora 6.2+, Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0+, Lotus Notes (6+), Mulberry, Netscape Communicator 4.51+, etc.

Comodo EV SSL Web Browsers Compatibility

ChromeChrome - 3 & All

FirefoxFirefox 1 & All

IEIE 5 & All

OperaOpera 7 & All

NetscapeNetscape 9 & All

AOLAOL 10 & All

SafariSafari All Browsers

Mobile Browser Compatibility

  • Android (inclusion carrier specific)
  • Apple iPhone, iPod Safari
  • Microsoft Windows Mobile 5/6
  • Microsoft Windows CE 4.0
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer Pocket PC 2003
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer Smartphone 2003
  • RIM Blackberry 4.3.0
  • Alcatel & Palm (S40/S60/S80/OSSO) based
  • NTT / DoCoMo
  • SoftBank Mobile
  • KDDI
  • Brew
  • PalmOS 5.x
  • Netfront 3.0+
  • Opera 4.10+
  • Openwave mobile browser 6.20+
  • Major Handset providers SonyEricsson, Nokia

The EV SSL Certificate Validation Process

The EV Certificate validation process was established by the industry group CA/B Forum and is designed to make sure consumers can distinguish legitimate sites from phishing sites. This increase in trust and protection involves a few extra steps when obtaining an EV SSL certificate including (but not limited to):

  • Legal status as a company created by government filing
  • Registration number of incorporation
  • Place of business is in same jurisdiction (e.g. country) as place of business registration
  • Organization name
  • Business name
  • Full business address and main phone number
  • All prerequisite documents for EV SSL Certificates from Comodo

Comodo Security Services Validation Contact Details:

  • Email validation documentation to [email protected] including your order number within the email.
  • You may fax your validation documentation including your order number on the pages.
  • U.S. Fax for validation documentation: +1 866 831 5837 or +1 866 261 8895
  • Europe Fax for validation documentation: + 44.(0)161.877.1767
    You will only be required to submit either or both of the above if requested during the enrollment process.
  • You can request an update on the progress of your application by sending and email to [email protected] stating your Order Number.

Site Reviews

View All SSL Reviews

Petar N.Feb. 2025


"Excellent platform with a wide selection of solutions suitable just for you here you can find the right certificate just for your purposes and at the best prices. The support is very good. I highly recommend cheapsslsecurity.com to anyone who needs a certificate."

Raed NeshiewatFeb. 2025


"Very fast delivery. Installation was easy with no problems. If you are installing a wildcard SSL certificate on cPanel, you need to specify the actual domain name, don't try to install it on *.domain.com , you have to install it on each subdomain such as admin.domain.com, shop.domain.com,..etc. Use the same certificate for each subdomain you install. Good luck!"

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